Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Roll on Red is the name of my “band”. I'm the only member so calling it a band doesn't make complete sense but I've never been one to get caught up in details. Anyway, writing and recording music is certainly rewarding but it's nice to be able to share the fruits of my labor with others. I've used myspace to showcase my music but a four song limit and endless love quiz bulletins have soured the myspace experience for me.

Enter the Roll on Red audio blog. The Roll on Red audio blog serves two purposes.

1.I have a massive backlog of music from various projects that I think others might enjoy. This blog will make that music available.

2.As I write new music I need somewhere to share it. I'm not a 13 year old girl, so myspace doesn't make much sense. Plus I'm incredibly lazy, so designing an actual website is out of the question. Thankfully, blogger makes this endeavor relatively easy.

To get the ball rolling here is my latest Roll on Red offering. It's called Rebirth, not so much because of the lyrical content but because it represents a stylistic departure musically. Give a listen and feel free to comment. No, you won't hurt my feelings if you don't like it.


And here's an instrumental version for the hell of it.
Rebirth Instrumental